Monday, September 14, 2009

Strategy a good start ...

Strategy is how an organisation starts to answer the question "What do we do?"   From the OGC website 

Strategic Direction Fitness for purpose checklist:
  • The strategic direction exists, as a set of strategic themes which are capable of providing a starting point for the planning of the required set of change programmes?
  • Is there a set of strategic change initiatives which are consistent with the vision and the strategic themes for the business unit, are described in sufficient detail to enable subsequent prioritisation, selection and sequencing? Is the nature of the description of the change initiatives also such that implications of their influence on overall strategic direction can be interpreted?
  • Is there a prioritised set of change programmes which clearly shows the interrelationships and dependencies between the change programmes themselves together with their costs and relative contributions (expressed in terms of potential benefits) to the vision and strategic themes of the organisation?

To be fit for purpose Strategy must enable the prioritisation of your organisation work program based upon the relative contribution to the business strategy.  How do you identify the relative contribution of a programme of work to your organisations strategy?

At Strat-D we take you through a process to build a Value Structure™ that starts with your Strategy.  

At the top level of the value structure are the elements of your Strategy.  Through facilitated workshops you identify the success criteria for each element; and sub-criteria as required.  When complete the structure shows a clear picture of how value is achieved within the organisation.  

Our process goes further.  At each level in the Value Structure™ you prioritise the contribution.   Because of our unique approach to prioritisation we are able to multiply the relative contribution throughout the structure.  

To complete the process each programme of work is compared to the Value Structure™ to identify its potential contribution.  The results allow you to compare the programmes to each other in a clear way understandable by all stakeholders.

Contact me now to learn more.